Why use Horsify?

Receive serious responses quickly
Verified profile
Trustworthy community
Easily create, edit, pause, reserve and remove your ads

When you receive a message

View the extensive profile
Respond by email or phone
Write and receive reviews
Sign up for free
"The leaser is taking good care for my horse."
Rick uses Horsify because he's got a lot of horses and likes to share his passion

Share your horse in 4 easy steps


Create a profile

Enter your details


Create your free ad

Describe your horse and conditions


Let’s meet each other.

Receive responses from riders and grooms by email and view their full profiles. If you are interested, plan a meeting together.


Write down your agreement and enjoy

Is there a match? Write down your agreements and conditions.

Why share your horse on Horsify?

Largest selection

Horsify has the largest selection of verified riders and grooms. This is how we make sure you get serious responses quickly.

Trustworthy community

Horsify verifies its users, and users review each other. This is how we build a trustworthy community.

Choose consciously

You get access to full user profiles upon getting a response. This makes sure you can quickly decide if you would like to schedule an acquaintance.

View and compare fees

Receive a fee while making both your horse and a rider or groom happy!

Legal contracts

Write down the agreements together. Easy, fast and without hassle. Use one of our legal contracts.

Do good

By sharing your horse, you're contributing to a social and accessible equestrian sport. You are helping riders without an own horse enjoy their passion.

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