How does Horsify work?
Trough our platform you are able to contact owner who are searching for you!
Why use Horsify?
When you receive a message
Find your perfect match in 4 steps
Join Horsify by creating a profile
Complete your profile.
View the offer and create an ad
Select what you are looking for and view all the relevant results.
Let’s meet each other
Send a message to the advertiser and plan an introduction together. Get to know each other better.
Write down your agreement and enjoy
Is there a match? Write down your agreements and enjoy your passion!
Why use Horsify?
Largest selection
The largest selection of leasehorses, internships and jobs in your area
For everyone with a passion for horses
Horsify was created for everyone with a passion for horses. This includes people on a tight budget or with disabilities.
Many possibilities
Are you looking for a horse to ride in sport? Or maybe just a weekly ride? Even leasing a mare to breed your own foal is one of the many possibilities.
View and compare prices
View the range and compare prices. This way you can choose what suits you best.
Trustworthy community
Horsify verifies its users, and users review each other. This is how we build a trustworthy community.
Your choice
Contact owners through our platform and get access to full profiles and reviews. This helps in selecting the right horse.