Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions relate to and apply to your use of the Horsify Service. Horsify encourages you to read these Terms and Conditions carefully so that you understand what your rights and obligations are. Hereafter, Horsify will be referred to as "Horsify", "we", "us" or "our".

Article 1. Definitions

A publication prepared by the user, intended to use the service for a certain period of time
The user who uses the service by placing an advertisement
General experience
The general impression left by another user on the user in question
General Terms and Conditions
These general terms and conditions of Horsify
An experience report written by another user about the user in question based on the contact that took place
Horse riding participation
Riding on the horse on the spot, also for a fee
Riding participation, loan, leasing or similar contract
The contract concluded between the rider or caregiver and the owner for the use of the horse
Riding participation/loan contract
Use of the owner's horse in exchange for (shared) living expenses.
Communicate in a timely, friendly, clear manner and with an eye for the needs of the other user
Any information placed on the platform by Horsify and/or the user, including but not limited to the layout and look and feel of the platform, the logos, trademarks and certain text included, as well as the profile and data provided based on the profile, including but not limited to the profile picture and/or riding or grooming video, advertisements and reviews
Third party(ies)
Any person and/or entity other than Horsify and/or its affiliates, persons, and the user
The service that Horsify provides to you, which consists of offering a Platform that makes renting, lending and purchasing between horse lovers possible.
The horse-related services provided by a rider or groom through the platform. This includes horse riding and / or grooming or similar services.
The legal owner of the horse who acts as a user and offers the horse for use through the platform
The natural person who has created a profile on the platform for the use of the service
User name
The name that a user stated in the profile and is visible to other users
Verified User
The user who has been verified by Horsify, if the verification was based on a combination of checks of various data provided by the user
The limited liability company Horsify B.V. with its registered office at Laan van Kronenburg 14, 1183 AS, Amstelveen, The Netherlands.
Intellectual property rights
All current and future: Copyrights, (non-)registered trademark rights Software rights, database rights, patents (pending and granted), domain names, (non-) registered design rights, trade name rights, related rights, know-how, design and invention rights, trade secrets and other rights (including: the rights to slogans, advertising features and concepts) of Horsify.
A meeting between users with the aim of reaching an agreement.
Horse riding participation contract
Use of horse for a fee, whether or not in combination with user fees
The possibility to use the service for a certain period of time
Membership fee
The price paid by the user for the use of the service
Membership agreement
When the payment is completed for the purpose of using the service, this agreement comes into effect
Cleanliness and reliability
Comply with agreements and handle the horse or rider and accessories carefully, hygienically and consciously
Living expenses
The cost of maintaining the horse
Tailor made agreement
The riding participation, loan or leasing agreement made available through Horsify to all users who have placed an ad
Any agreement entered into between Horsify and the user with respect to the provision of the service
The horse offered for use
Horse friendliness
Consideration of the needs and feelings of the horse and conscious action within the framework of horse protection
The platform, accessible through the Horsify website and underlying pages, that allows you to use the service
An individual profile page created and managed by you when you sign up as a user on the platform
Profile picture
The photo uploaded by the user in the profile and visible to other users
Riding or grooming video
A video in which the user is visible while riding and/or grooming a horse
The price that a User asks or pays
A combination of verifications of various data provided by the user
The User who offers his/her services to care for horses via the Platform

Article 2. Applicability

These General Terms and Conditions apply to the service.

2.1 Horsify may change or amend the Terms and Conditions at any time. You will find the most current Terms and Conditions on the platform. If there is a change to the Terms and Conditions, you will be made aware of the new Terms and Conditions the next time you use the platform. If you continue to use the platform after these General Terms and Conditions have been amended or supplemented, you hereby irrevocably accept the amended or supplemented General Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the amended or supplemented Terms and Conditions, you may stop using the Service and delete your profile.

Article 3. Registration and profile

3.1 To use the service, you must register as a user and create a profile.

3.2 You warrant that all information in your profile is correct, complete, current, accurate and relevant. It reflects a current and truthful image of you as a person. You acknowledge that the accuracy and completeness of the data provided is of great importance for the (optimal) functioning of the platform and the service. You acknowledge that you are fully responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data provided and that you have permission to place the information in the profile, including the profile picture and riding or grooming videos, and for any consequences of incorrect, incomplete or outdated data in your profile. You acknowledge that any damages caused by you, Horsify or any third party as a result of your incorrect, incomplete or outdated information in your profile (including, but not limited to: not having the rights to the content placed in your profile) shall be entirely at your expense and risk, unless otherwise provided by mandatory law.

3.3 The data you provide during the registration process will be stored in a database and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy, which you can view here.

3.4 It is not allowed to register as a user more than 1 (once) and/or to create multiple profiles on the platform at the same time, unless a person wants to manage both a private and a business profile. In this case, both a private and a business profile may be created.

3.5 You are responsible for keeping your username and password combination confidential. You may not disclose your username and/or password to third parties or allow third parties to access your profile in any way. You are liable for any use of the Platform through your username and password. Horsify may assume that you are in fact the one logging in with your username and password. As soon as you have reason to believe that a username or password has fallen into the hands of unauthorized persons, please notify Horsify as soon as possible. In addition, you are required to take effective measures, such as changing the password.

3.6 Horsify is free to remove a profile or ad at any time, including but not limited to complaints about the user that Horsify receives from other users or in the case of impersonation.

3.7 You are not permitted to include any text or photo in the profile that includes a phone number, last name, company name or address.

3.8 It is not allowed to insert a text or a photo in the profile that contains a URL or a part of a URL.

Article 4. Requirements for User

4.1 The following conditions apply to the registration as a user and the use of the service:

4.2 By registering as a user and using the service, you warrant that you meet (and will continue to meet) all of the above requirements. If you do not (or no longer) meet any of these requirements, you may no longer use the service as a user and Horsify will be entitled to exclude you from using the service and delete your profile. You shall be liable for all damages and costs incurred by you with respect to Horsify and/or third parties as a result of your failure to (or your failure to) comply with the above requirements.

4.3 Horsify's services are only accessible to underage users if they have obtained permission from their legal representative. Such legal representatives are aware of Horsify's intent and that contact information may be provided through the Platform.

4.4 Horsify reserves the right to impose additional requirements and/or conditions on the use of the service and/or your registration as a user, for example, but not exclusively for the purpose of verifying identity (data).

Article 5. Rules for placing advertisements

5.1 In addition to the conditions set out in Articles 3 and 4, the following conditions apply to registering as a User and being able to place an Advertisement:

5.2 If the above requirements can no longer be fully met, you are obliged to remove the advertisement and answer all received messages from other users.

5.3 Horsify is entitled to remove the Advertisement from the Platform at any time if it has a suspicion and/or indications that it no longer meets the requirement as stated in Article 5.1 sub b.

5.4 The User is not permitted to add contact details or websites to an Advertisement.

5.5 Horsify is entitled to refuse and/or remove your registration as a User or the Advertisement without stating reasons.

5.6 You accept that you are and remain fully responsible for placing an Advertisement, determining the Fee, responding on messages, using the Service and establishing an agreement including, but not limited to, any introduction that takes place with another Horsify user.

5.7 You will respond to the message from the other user within 24 hours, even if it does not meet expectations. This can be done by email, telephone or via the automatic rejection button in the profile.

5.8 The User is not permitted to offer products or services via the Platform that are not horse-related. The Services offered concern horse care, horse riding or similar services.

5.9 Advertisements placed by a User on the Platform must comply with the general rules below:

5.10 Advertising content that is not allowed:

Users must always pay close attention when offering and responding to Advertisements. Users are expected to know the laws and regulations in the field of Horses themselves. If in doubt, we recommend that you seek further information or legal advice.

Article 6. Rules for the profile

6.1 For a registration as a user and the possibility to place an advertisement, the following conditions apply in addition to the conditions stated in Articles 3 and 4:

Article 7. The Platform

7.1 You accept that Horsify offers a Platform on which you can come into contact with other Users with a passion for horses. Horsify only facilitates the Platform, but has no knowledge of and/or involvement with the information (including) that is exchanged by you or other Users using the Platform and the (content of the) Advertisements that are available via the Platform are stated. Horsify is not a party to the conclusion of the agreement including, but not limited to, any introduction that takes place between Horsify users for the use of the products and services and does not accept some liability.

7.2 Horsify offers the platform "as is". You accept that the service contains only the functionality and other features as you find them on the platform at the time of use. Horsify expressly disclaims express and implied warranties, promises and indemnities of any kind, including but not limited to warranties, obligations and indemnities regarding the quality, completeness, security, legality and accuracy (of use) of the service, the platform and the information provided thereon, except as otherwise set forth in these Terms and Conditions.

7.3 You accept that Horsify is entitled to modify, adapt and/or close the platform or the service at any time without being liable for any damages to you. If you do not agree with the adjustments and/or changes made, you may stop using the service and the platform and delete your profile.

7.4 Horsify does not guarantee that the service will be accessible at all times without interruptions or malfunctions. Malfunctions in the service may also occur, but not exclusively, as a result of internet or telephone connection malfunctions or due to viruses or errors/defects. You accept that Horsify shall not be liable to you for any damages resulting from the (temporary) unavailability or (temporary) failure of the service.

7.5 You accept that Horsify may, without prior notice and without incurring any liability to you thereby, (temporarily) take the service out of service and/or restrict its use if, in its opinion, this is necessary, for example as part of the reasonably necessary maintenance of the platform.

7.6 You accept that Horsify is entitled to remove (your) Ads from the Platform without prior notice and without thereby incurring any liability to you.

7.7 You accept full liability to Horsify and third parties for all information provided or otherwise exchanged by you through your profile in the course of entering into the agreement, including but not limited to any introduction that takes place.

7.8 You accept that Horsify does not and cannot provide any guarantees for products and services offered via the Platform and does not accept any liability. You further accept that you cannot hold Horsify liable in any way, unless explicitly stated otherwise in these General Terms and Conditions.

Article 8. About the use of Horsify

8.1 It is possible to communicate with other users through Horsify. You warrant to Horsify that you will use Horsify at all times in accordance with the following Terms of Use. You warrant that your communications and your other use of the site:

8.2 You agree that you will not solicit or provide any personally identifiable information about minors (including, but not limited to: Phone numbers, address, email address, password).

Article 9. Changes

9.1 Horsify may change the platform or any part thereof, including but not limited to duration of the ads, platform layout, and search options, at any time and in its sole discretion. We will endeavor to provide notice of any such change within a reasonable time before it is implemented.

9.2 Horsify may change prices at any time. If during the term of a membership there is a price increase that exceeds the CBS Consumer Price Index, the user shall have the right to terminate such agreement. Price increases do not affect the memberships already purchased; these can be used at the same rate during the term.

Article 10. Paid memberships

10.1 The website offers different paid memberships (so called Bronze, Silver and Gold). You pay the price that is indicated on the website for the membership of your choice. Your paid membership starts from the date of payment of the amount of the paid membership you have chosen. Provided your profile has been approved, you will be able to take advantage of the paid membership benefits from that date.

10.2 A paid membership is concluded for a minimum period of 1, 3 or 6 months. Thereafter, the membership is automatically renewed for an indefinite period and is collected monthly through direct debit. You can cancel at any time if you do not want your membership to be renewed monthly after expiration.

Article 11. Prices and payment

11.1 If a membership is terminated prematurely, no refund of the membership fee paid will be made.

11.2 When choosing the membership period, the corresponding price will be announced, if applicable.

11.3 The obligation to pay the price shall apply from the time of placement of the purchase of an advertisement, a membership or a customized agreement.

11.4 If payment is not made on time, Horsify is also entitled to charge statutory interest. In the event that the user in question does not pay the full amount due after receiving a reminder, Horsify is entitled to engage a collection agency and to block Horsify's services for the user in question. The court and out-of-court collection costs shall be borne by the user.

11.5 Horsify may change (parts of) the platform and the service at any time. We may also discontinue our service. We will endeavor to provide notice of any such change or discontinuance within a reasonable time before it is implemented.

11.6 Horsify will charge 21% Dutch VAT on amounts payable for all services provided by Horsify, unless otherwise stated on the platform.

11.7 If you choose to become a paid member, you will owe a membership fee. The first payment is made manually. The SEPA direct debit authorization (Mollie) will also apply from that moment on. All membership fees are due and payable in advance.

11.8 Payment shall be made in the manner specified by Horsify. Prices include value added tax and other governmental charges.

11.9 All payments to Horsify are final after 14 days and are non-refundable. You hereby agree and consent that Horsify shall not, under any circumstances, refund (in part) or reverse your payment after 14 days have passed. This also applies (but is not limited to) if your paid membership has been/will be cancelled by you or Horsify, or if Horsify no longer meets your expectations. Requests for a refund or chargeback of a payment received after 14 days will not be considered by Horsify.

11.10 If payment is not made within the time limit set therein after the first reminder, Horsify shall be entitled to unilaterally suspend or terminate access to the service with immediate effect at its sole discretion, without prejudice to the right to compensation and the right to collect overdue payments and recover the related collection costs from the user in accordance with the Collection Costs Act.

11.11 Prices stated on the website and possibly elsewhere are subject to change without notice, including in the case of pre-agreed regular payment. If you do not wish to agree to a pre-announced price change, you may cancel your paid membership within 14 days after Horsify notifies you of the announced price change, effective as of the date the price change becomes effective.

11.12 Horsify may adjust prices at any time, provided that we will notify you by email at least fourteen (14) days in advance. If you object to the changed price, you will have the option to cancel or terminate your membership, for example, by using the contact form on our website, subject to the deadline for changes. However, if you do not cancel or terminate your membership and continue to use our products and/or services from the announced date of the start of the changed price, the changed prices will apply to the agreement from that date.

11.13 If you re-subscribe to a paid membership after cancellation, you will pay the (new) prices in effect at that time.

Article 12. Cancellation of membership

12.1 The paid membership can be cancelled by the user at any time. If the user does not cancel the paid membership in time, the contract is automatically extended for an indefinite period.

12.2 The paid membership can be terminated via the website using the button "Cancel membership". The user will receive a confirmation of cancellation to the email address known to Horsify.

12.3 You may use your paid membership until the end of the current billing period. You may cancel your membership at any time. After you cancel, you will continue to have access to the Horsify Service until the end of your billing period. Payments are non-refundable and we do not offer refunds or credits for partial membership periods. To cancel, go to the 'My membership' page and follow the cancellation instructions. If you cancel your membership, services will be discontinued at the end of your current billing period. To see when your membership ends, click on the 'My membership' page.

12.4 Upon cancellation, you will retain your paid membership until the next billing date, after which your paid membership will be terminated.

12.5 You agree that your information will remain stored on Horsify servers after you cancel your Horsify paid membership or after Horsify staff cancels your paid membership. However, your profile will not be inaccessible to other users or visitors to the site, nor will Horsify send you its own initiated communications. Exceptions to the latter may include bulletins containing information of great interest to you personally, such as security notices.

Article 13. Termination of the membership by Horsify

13.1 You agree that Horsify may, under certain circumstances and without prior notice, terminate your paid membership and/or agreement. Grounds for such termination include (but are not limited to):

You further agree that any early terminations due to late payment will be made at Horsify's sole discretion and that Horsify will not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your paid membership.

13.2 If a user violates these Terms and Conditions, abuses these Terms and Conditions, fails to comply with these Terms and Conditions, or fails to comply with the requirements of these Terms and Conditions, Horsify reserves the right to terminate the user's paid membership and immediately modify, suspend or delete the user's profile. The membership fee paid shall then be deemed to be a contractual penalty, without prejudice to Horsify's right to claim compensation for (additional) damages. The user's right to a refund of the membership fee already paid shall thereby expire. Horsify shall inform the user of the blocking or removal, stating the reason.

Article 14. Right of withdrawal

14.1 The user has the right to exercise the right of withdrawal within 14 days after the conclusion of the paid membership. If the user makes use of this right, but has already actually used the paid services of Horsify during this period (e.g. sending messages to other users), Horsify is entitled to charge an appropriate amount for the purchased service. This amount will not exceed the membership fee for the period of up to one (1) month. Horsify expressly requests the user's permission to start the service prior to the expiration of the revocation period and hereby informs the user of the amount that will be charged if the user nevertheless revokes. If the user wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal, the following form (see Article 14.3) must be completed in full and sent to support@horsify.com.

14.2 The right of withdrawal does not apply in the following cases:

14.3 Sample cancellation form:

Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract. If you have agreed to start the service provision during the withdrawal period and you have used the service, Horsify reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for this use.

* Delete what does not apply or fill in what does apply.

Article 15. Intellectual property rights

15.1 The user acknowledges and agrees that Horsify is the owner of all intellectual property rights, including intellectual property rights based on, contained in, or arising from the content.

15.2 The user will not infringe Horsify's intellectual property rights. In particular, but not limited to the following: The user shall not use Horsify's trade name and/or (unregistered) trademarks and the content, nor words, images or symbols which, in Horsify's opinion, may imply Horsify's involvement or consent to any written or oral advertising or presentation, brochure, newsletter, books or other published material: unless Horsify has given prior written permission to do so.

15.3 By signing the agreement, the user, to the extent already required at that time, exclusively, unconditionally and without limitation, transfers to Horsify, free of charge and without restriction, the intellectual property rights based on the content, and Horsify accepts such transfer and delivery in advance. To this end, the user grants Horsify a worldwide, royalty-free, unencumbered, (sub)licensable, non-exclusive licence to use and/or publish and further reproduce and otherwise exploit such information on its own behalf.

15.4 If intellectual property rights of third parties are part of the content, for example but not limited to the photos of the horse placed in the advertisement, the user guarantees that he has transferred from these third parties all such intellectual property rights (including personal rights). The user warrants that fees have been paid by the user for such transfer to such third parties as beneficiaries of the Intellectual Property Rights and that the user has permission from the third party to use the content in which the third party Intellectual Property Rights exist as such. Users shall indemnify and hold Horsify harmless from any claims by such third parties for any transfer of the intellectual property rights.

15.5 If Horsify is faced with any third party claims, whether or not under intellectual property rights of such third parties with respect to the user-generated content, the user hereby indemnifies Horsify against all third party claims in this regard and all damages incurred by Horsify in connection with such claims, to the extent permitted by mandatory law.

15.6 In the event that a user reports any infringement of intellectual property rights based on, contained in, or arising from the content, both with respect to its own content and that of other users, the user shall promptly notify Horsify in writing. The user is obliged to provide Horsify - in the broadest sense of the word - with any assistance if and to the extent deemed desirable by Horsify.

15.7 In the event of a disagreement between the parties regarding the intellectual property rights to (parts of) the content, Horsify shall be deemed to be entitled to such rights, subject to proof to the contrary. Horsify may continue the agreed use regardless of the outcome of such dispute.

15.8 If third parties sue Horsify in connection with an alleged infringement of its intellectual property rights, Horsify may, in addition to the options and/or further rights provided for in this article, terminate the agreement with the user in whole or in part, all this without prejudice to its further rights, including but not limited to a right to compensation.

Article 16. Reviews

16.1 Users can be asked to give a rating about another user they have interacted with. The rating given consists of a number of stars and a default text that the user chooses. The rating is publicly visible for a few days after it is submitted.

16.2 Horsify has no influence on the ratings. It may happen that a review does not (fully) accurately reflect the actual situation.

16.3 A review:

Article 17. Liability

17.1 Horsify only has a facilitating role in entering into the riding participation, loan, rental or similar agreement, including but not limited to a viewing, that occurs between users and is never made a party to this agreement, nor is Horsify responsible in any way for the proper performance of the foregoing. Any liability of Horsify shall at all times be limited to defects and/or unlawful acts by Horsify in the services to be provided under the agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if it is determined that Horsify is liable to the users for any damages incurred in connection with the agreement or as a result of any unlawful act or for any other reason, then such liability, including any payment obligations based on Article 6:230 of the Dutch Civil Code and/or Article 6:271 of the Dutch Civil Code, shall at all times be limited in its entirety to what is provided for in this article, it being understood that:

17.2 Horsify shall only be liable for direct damages (as described below) incurred by the user as a result of a defect and/or unlawful act attributable to Horsify under the contract, up to a maximum amount of EUR 1,000. Horsify's total liability per event and for consecutive incidents per calendar year will never exceed EUR 1,000. Direct damage is defined exclusively as:

17.3 Any liability of Horsify, except for direct damages, including consequential damages, is excluded. Consequential damages are in this context are to be understood as:

17.4 The limitations of Horsify's liability contained in this Article are not intended to exclude Horsify's liability for wilful misconduct and/or wilful recklessness on the part of Horsify ("its own acts") itself and/or its officers.

17.5 The user shall indemnify Horsify against all damages and reasonable costs to the extent permitted by mandatory law, including but not limited to: Damages as a result of (alleged) infringement of intellectual property rights, third party claims, collection costs, statutory interest, loss of profits, fines owed and costs of legal assistance suffered or made by Horsify and arising out of (i) any attributable defect in compliance with the Terms and Conditions and/or the contract and/or the conclusion of the riding participation, loan, lease or similar agreement, including but not limited to any visitation that takes place on the part of the user, (ii) the use of the service by the user, or (iii) any unlawful act, including but not limited to any breach of contract in the course of entering into the riding, loan, lease or similar agreement, including but not limited to any visitation that takes place.

17.6 Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 17.5:

17.7 You acknowledge and accept that Horsify solely provides a Platform through which you can connect with other Users with the aim of reaching an agreement via the Platform. Consequently, Horsify is not a party to the agreement and cannot accept any liability in this regard.

Article 18. Cancellation of the profile, membership and advertising

18.1 You have the right to stop using the service at any time and to cancel/delete your profile, membership or advertising. Cancellation of your profile will not affect any agreement entered into prior to the date of cancellation.

18.2 You accept that Horsify has the right to block your use of the service, close you down and/or delete your profile without being liable to you if Horsify sees any reason to do so, including but not limited to if you breach any provision of these Terms and Conditions.

18.3 Any amounts owed by you to Horsify will become immediately due and payable at the time of termination of your profile.

Article 19. Guarantee

19.1 We cannot guarantee that our services will always meet your expectations. We also cannot guarantee that the platform will function properly and/or that continuous and/or secure access to the platform or any part thereof can be obtained.

19.2 Horsify cannot guarantee that the products or services offered by the users on the website will meet your expectations.

Article 20. Placing an advertisement

20.1 My Horsify:

20.2 Conclusion of an advertising contract between Horsify and the user:

20.3 Period in which an advertisement remains on the platform: Advertisements for which no special rules apply remain on the platform for the chosen advertisement, with the conditions applicable thereto being void and the user does not himself remove the advertisement. If the service offered or requested in the advertisement is no longer current or available, the advertisement will be deleted.

Article 21. Remaining

21.1 If you have a complaint, we ask that you first report the complaint to Horsify (info@horsify.com). If you feel that your complaint is not being dealt with adequately, you as a consumer have the possibility to report your complaint via the European Union platform (European Online Dispute Resolution Platform) http://ec.europa.eu/odr.

21.2 If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is found to be void or contestable or for any other reason invalid in whole or in part, the remaining provisions of the General Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect. Horsify will replace the invalid clause with a clause that is valid and whose legal consequences, given the content and meaning of these General Terms and Conditions, correspond as closely as possible to those of the invalid clause.

21.3 Horsify may transfer or pledge all claims, powers, rights and obligations and actions in connection with the Terms and Conditions to a third party and will notify you of such transfer or pledge. You agree now that you will consent to any such transfer or pledge prior to such time and that such third party may exercise all rights against you in the event of such transfer.

21.4 Horsify may inform users by email in context of the service.

Article 22. Applicable law and choice of forum

22.1 The legal relationship between the user and Horsify, including the (conclusion of) the agreement and the General Terms and Conditions, is governed exclusively by Dutch law, even if an obligation is wholly or partly performed abroad or if the user is domiciled there. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention 1980 (CISG) to the General Terms and Conditions is expressly excluded.

22.2 The District Court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all contractual and non-contractual disputes primarily relating to the performance and execution of the agreement, the General Terms and Conditions and the services provided therein, including related disputes, including summary proceedings, without prejudice to the right of the parties to appeal against a decision so rendered. If the user is a private individual, the court of the country in which that consumer is domiciled shall also have jurisdiction or, if that consumer is the defendant, exclusive jurisdiction.